This blog is not about a legitimate person who has 1,000 skills but is a blog about a hopeful growing man wishing the world to be more than what it is. I write this to document my vision of how my personal growth would be, having only started VAVY, but the idea has been coming along now for more than a year.

7 min readOct 3, 2021
Created by Canva

The world seems so limited, humans for centuries, famous people who go down in our history books all are usually known for one thing. Einstein is most famously known for his works and theories in relativity, Muhammad Ali being one of the greatest boxers of all time. Michael Jordan, the best basketball player of all time. All of these people and many more, too many in fact and there’s too much to list, but they all have something in common… All of them are known for their most famous achievement, and the majority of the time that’s the only thing they all invest their days in. They have their specialty as if human capabilities limited someone to only specializing in one or two things. I’m not necessarily wanting to go down in history or have my face on any billboard that exists, but I wish to have that capability of excelling and to call myself a true master of every skill I want to learn.

My greatest inspiration is Alisa, she’s the reason I wanted VAVY as a business to exist. Alisa is the co-founder of VAVY along with myself, but she and I are more than just partners in business… We are a couple and she inspires me every day to do whatever I can to give her a better future, mentally, financially, in terms of health, love, and everything in between. She’s the true GOAT and she mothers me just like my mother, doesn’t mean I want to replace my mother with her. I mean that they both want the best for me and usually give me the same exact advice to the point that it’s uncanny, I truly respect them. We live worlds apart and we both have mental illnesses. I have an OCD and she has an ED, imagine that, your spouse has an ED and you can’t stop them from wanting to fast and lose weight and this and that… whilst being on the opposite side of the world. We are definitely not like any other couple, we talk to each other every day, and I don’t mean we just basically text and call for a few hours then say goodnight. We actually call 24/7 and would switch to a different device depending on the occasion. If I need to cook I take her with me to the kitchen, toilet, outside, basically everywhere. I’ve also pretty much adjusted to her time zone, my parents were worried for the longest of time but now they are all used to it. We sleep together at the same time, nowadays I stay up a bit late trying to be productive, and maybe on some nights she’s unable to sleep because of stress on her mind about our future.

We are a bunch of hermits, but recently when she’s been feeling more like a NEET she’s been spending more time with her family and parents and going out with them whenever they want to go out grocery shopping and so forth. She doesn’t have any source of income as of currently, besides universal credit which is one of the most nerve-racking, anxiety-inducing things ever, you would probably know of it if you live in the UK. She’s also a true cheapskate and she doesn’t mind being called that because she certainly doesn’t want people, her family, and myself to spend money when we are all technically broke. So the only time we don’t really get to talk is when she goes out with anyone who isn’t her father because her dad is the only person that would provide 4G for her as she can’t afford to pay for 4G anymore. I’ve found a true gem, honestly. I think a lot of people are probably paranoid about their significant other doing something behind their back, but Alisa is so different. The only thing I ever have to complain about is, as usual, I’m jealous of other people being able to admire her, and I would get jealous when she gets catcalled too- and Boy that happens A LOT. Whenever we don’t have direct communication we usually text and have updates for the other by the time we do get direct communication. Honestly, I’m pretty happy but I know she’s anxious about not being able to take care of her family and all, I try my best to give us a better future. She’s taught me more valuable things than I could ever learn from any teacher. She taught me how to be a better son and brother, she’s changed me for the better.

With that quick summary that was sort of how VAVY emerged. We’re gamers but we are also determined to change things in our lives for a brighter future, for both of our families. Finance and making money is a way of giving yourself opportunities and making things happen, it’s about making your dreams come true.

Originally I wanted to become an entrepreneur, and I still do. I wanted to distribute and produce this “future technology” within the country I’m in, also I have an idea in mind of an invention which to me is a game-changer, but the science behind such a product has not been discovered and I haven’t been able to climb up the ladder yet. I’m still trying to make enough money to get off the ground. I certainly don’t have money to make big investments like I am hoping to do one day so I wanted to start off with developing games and starting a Youtube channel. I’ll be starting a Kickstarter soon for a project I need help funding. I want to purchase proper equipment to make an animation series that will probably start out as a gaming channel with our characters drawn in a similar fashion to Studio Ghibli's drawings, our characters won’t be drawn as humans though, mind you, but that is a surprise for later. Then after when people are truly invested in the channel and our characters, I’m hoping they’ll stick around for our stories.

There’s so little time within a day and I certainly don’t know how to manage it well. I wish I could read a whole book within a day, whilst still doing my blogs on the side. I want to be able to produce one blog per day so I have some work to show my audience. I’ve talked to my brother about it, he tries to knock some sense in me, he’s younger than me but he’s smart. I understand the logic but I just wish it wasn’t that way, that’s why I said I’ll do it myself then. I’ll prove that mastering anything you set your heart to is achievable. I say master but that doesn’t mean I want to reach my cap and stop learning, but I want to be an expert and continually excel. However much I progress I’ll forever see myself as a student, a student is one of the best roles anyone and everyone can be. You’re forever learning and you don’t let something like a title burn into your mind that you’ve hit an end at something, there’s always something new to learn.

My idea of the perfect future? I typing away on my laptop writing my next blog in a small Cafe/Bakery owned by Alisa and myself, all whilst having a big business that I don’t need to go into meetings for. I need to spend time with my wife(Alisa of course(we aren’t married yet)), we will have a Youtube Channel, houses, and hotels that people keep revisiting, a community where I can share all my knowledge and experience to help inspire people to create their futures. I’ve also started investing already, I invest in the stock market with the littlest amount of money I’ve got. My only advice with that is to be patient, whatever you choose, choose with knowledge. By that I mean don’t choose anything random but invest in companies you can visualize having a big impact in the future. So besides being a big investor, I also want to have developed games that are fun, visual, and educational. I know educational games aren’t that fun but I want to teach through games with rich stories.

A lot of games and movies have inspired my creativity. Games can really be harnessed for the greater good, but a lot of it that does exist can really desensitize someone in so many wrong ways. A lot of media as well makes things like sexual topics and all seem so normal. People cheat on each other and aren’t faithful. Anime nowadays are filled with fan service 24/7. Purity and wholesomeness in our lives have been twisted in many ways, through what I do, I wish to change the world and help others realize life’s true values. If you believe in the things I’m saying and can agree the world needs a change you can join our organization and help it grow.

Before I started writing, even though I don’t have a proper community just yet, I only wanted to provide for my family and Alisa’s family. Everyone in this world deserves happiness, and I’ll make it part of my mission to try to change the world. I want Alisa and me to be able to live happily and comfortably here coexisting with every other living being.

I hope this quote helps make it part of your mission too:

When youth are awakened to a sense of mission, their power is limitless. Ultimately, we have to entrust our hopes and visions for the future to the youth. This is a golden rule. Youth is pure. Youth will rise up to fulfill their ideals without calculation or self-interest. The fundamental spirit of a leader must be to reach out to such young people, work with them and bring out their capabilities and direct their youthful energies in a positive direction.

-Daisaku Ikeda

This blog has really gotten personal and I didn’t know that I was going to make a blog like this so soon, but our story is out there for the world to give VAVY a chance. I hope that everyone hops on board and joins the organization we are hoping to build in the near future. Share this if you want and please do help spread the message. Thank you!




I’m Joe. My eternal partner Alisa and I are the co-founders of VAVY. Read our blogs if you’re interested, if you are disinterested still give it a go.